Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg



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Babak Hassanzadeh

Babak Hassanzadeh


Subject: Gender and Presence in urban public spaces in Iran

My  research project investigates the relation between gender and  presence  in urban public spaces in Iran. Public spaces are traditionally thought of as communal social spaces that can be freely and also legally accessed by all citizens, regardless of their social  and gender identity. These spaces peopled by a broad range of participants with  diverse reasons for occupying them, are the context through which everyday life flows and are considered to be places where citizens can show their presence in the city. Indeed, they are the field of everyday life and social interactions. This research works on gender differences in access to urban public spaces in Iran within a qualitative framework, in which grounded theory and objective hermeneutics will be the two main research methods for analysing the  data, gathered using different methods such as observation, interview, and photography.

The  project presents current scholarly debates around the sociology of space, and the ideas of three thinkers constitute the main part of the theoretical framework: Foucault’s thoughts on the relation between power and space, Lefebvre’s theory of the production of space and de Certeau’s ideas on resistance in everyday life. Furthermore, some theories that specifically discuss the relationships between gender and space will be reviewed. Indeed, the study is going to consider whether current debates on the sociology of space can assist in understanding the relation between gender and urban public space in Iranian society, or whether there is a requirement to present new insights and theories.


Hassanzadeh, B., Majdi, A. A. & Yousofi, A. (2015). Hermenotīk be mas̱ābeh-e raveš-e taḥqīq: barrasī-ye raveš-e hermenotīk-e ʿeynī dar ḥowze-ye taḥqīqāt-e keyfī [Hermeneutics as a Research Method: An introduction to Objective Hermeneutics in the Field of Qualitative Research]. Raveš-šenāsī-ye ʿOlūm-e Ensānī, 21 (83), 121–148.

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