Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg



Dr. Asma Hilali

phone: 00961-1-359424/25/26/27
phone: 00961-1-359176

Rue Hussein Beyhum
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Dr. Asma Hilali

Dr. Asma Hilali

Dr. Asma Hilali

former Postdoc (Scholarship holder 08/2005 - 07/2008)

Current Position: Associate Professor in Islamic Studies at the university of Lille, France

Words and acts of the Prophet (hadith): Types of Discourse and Authority of the text

The post-doctoral research project in GZAA will conduct a study related to the question of authority of prophetic tradition (Hadith). This project will go beyond the framework for a theory of authenticity focusing essentially on a textual analysis of the different types of discourses in Hadith literature. The project propose to explore the following issues: what is the precise nature of a prophetic tradition? How does it manifest itself and what are its constitutive elements. This series of questions will require a reconsideration of certain false assumptions. For example, from a historical perspective, it is pertinent to go beyond the widely assumed prophetic nature of Hadith as the origin for the authority of this text. It is just as appropriate to wonder about the aspects and usage of Hadith that render it an argument for authority, even beyond its recognized status as normative source.

Additionnaly to my personal reaserch (Religious text in islam: transmission and authority), my new project in the OIB consists on the organisation of four conferences about the importance of the prophetic muslim traditions in the different fields of islamic studies. The participants will be invited from occidental countries as well as from the local institutions in Beyrouth, for example the american university. The program gives me the opportuniy to evoke several questions linked to my specific field (authority process in the history of the prophetic traditions) from different points of view. For example the importance of the prophetic traditions in legal islamic system; their importance in researchs on papyrology; the historians of islam and their usage of prophetic traditions as historical sources.  My second new research project is in CNRS (France)   . I'm working on the edition of the oldest manuscript of Coran, the Sanaa manuscript. This project is associated to the Corpus Coranicum project (Berlin)   .


1994Master (Maîtrise): Arabic language, literature and civilization, University Tunis I.
1994Qualifying degree (Diplôme des Études Approfondies): "Apocryphal Traditions in Islam: their aspects and their functions." University Tunis I.

Doctoral Thesis: "Study on Prophetic Traditions: The Question of Authenticity of Hadith during the six first century of Islam." Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Vème section, Sciences religieuses, Paris.


  • Participation to "Dictionnaire du Coran", Robert Laffont. Paris 2006.
  • Abd al-Rahmân al-Râmahurmuzî (d. 360/971), at the origin of the reflexion about the authenticity of Hadith in: Annales Islamologiques 39 (2006).

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