Dr. Elvira Wakelnig
postdoc (scholarship holder 01/2006 - 09/2007)
Dr. Elvira Wakelnig
Warwick Research Excellence
Department of Classics and Ancient History
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
00000 Warwick
Islamic philosophy, Greek thought, hilosophy, the umma and regional factors
The beginning of philosophy within the Islamic world is closely linked to al-Kindi, who lived in Baghdad in the 9th century. By then the Graeco-Arabic translation movement, which has been ongoing since the 8th century, expanded into the philosophical field as well. The works and thoughts of the Ancient Greek philosophers influenced philosophy in the Islamic world from the beginnig (even concerning the terminology). From the 10th century onwards different philosophical trends, often competing with each other, emerged and spread over all the various geographical regions under Muslim control. This development and its reasons are the main focus of my research which starts with Abu l-Hasan al-’Amiri, a student of al-Kindi’s student al-Balhi, whose life and work is quite well known.