Dr. Hami İnan Gümüş

Assoziierter Postdoc
(Stipendiat 10/2010 - 03/2014)
1. Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Werner Nell
2. Betreuer: PD Dr. Eric Redling (MLU, American Studies)
Mentor: Dr. Daniele Cantini
Dissertation project: The Ottoman Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1860-1909: A Metaphor Analysis of Discursive Formations
The goal of the research project is to ascertain how the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions articulated and appropriated the discursive formations as well as academic and intellectual production of Congregationalist American Protestantism during its missionary work in the Ottoman Empire between 1860-1909. Additionally, this issue will be framed within the larger contexts of multiple modernities and Western (mainly Anglo-Saxon) expansion manifested as globalization, colonialism and imperialism. My aim here is to examine and explain a specific discourse originating from American Protestantism in the second half of the nineteenth century, which was adopted, appropriated (or re-invented) and diffused by the missionaries intending to civilize the ‘corrupted Christians’ and ‘the heathen,’ and then to relate this to the attribution of certain values to the ‘other’ along with the conceptualization of ‘otherness’ and ‘strangeness’ through the missionaries’ constant examination and learning of indigenous cultures. Moreover, the reception and reaction of the Ottoman State will be scrutinized. In order to realize these aims an analysis of conceptual metaphors will be carried out.
The research is expected to contribute to a better understanding of the multifaceted and multilayered interaction of particular Christian discourses, as well as the meanings and effects created by these interactions in an overseas context. The analysis will enable us to better understand how a specific discursive formation created by this interaction became part of a general process that claimed to comprehend, name, control and consequently shape the world. Therefore, it is essential to examine the textual sources and manifestations of those discursive formations by taking into consideration the complex ways through which they were represented, appropriated and changed, in ways that go beyond simply how the ‘other’ is comprehended and represented. The perception of their ideas and activities as represented and understood by the Ottoman State will be scrutinized in the archival material of the Ottoman State archives. In summary, the dissertation intends to shed light on cultural interaction on a global scene in relation to discourses of civilizing, differentiating and homogenizing in the context of Western expansionism, the question of modernity, colonialism, and imperialism by analyzing underlying conceptual metaphor network.
Ph. D.
● Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Graduate School Society and Culture in Motion (Scholarship Holder), Comparative Literature, October 2010-Present Ph.D. Dissertation Working Title: The Ottoman Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1860-1909: A Metaphor Analysis of Discursive Formations
1st Supervisor. Prof. Dr. Werner Nell; 2nd Supervisor: PD Dr. Eric Redling
● Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Master of Arts in British and North American Cultural Studies, Freiburg, Germany, 2010
GPA: 1,9/1 (1 Being the highest grade)
M.A. Thesis: American Missionary Activities in the Ottoman Empire in the Context of Modernity, 1820-1831
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck
● Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Turkish Literature, M.A. (Intermediary Year) (Scholarship Holder), Sep. 2006 - Sep. 2007
GPA: 3.21/4 (4 being the highest grade) Completed 33 credits toward an M.A. in Turkish literature (Credits based on the weekly class hours of the courses)/ No degree attained, Study terminated on will)
● Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, English Language and Literature, 2005 GPA: 3.25/4 (4 being the highest grade)
B.A. Thesis: Apppropriation of ‘Macbeth’ in ‘Wyrd Sisters’
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Aslı Tekinay
Awards and Scholarships
● Graduate School Society and Culture in Motion, Martin-Luther-University Halle Wittenberg, Ph.D Scholarship, Oct. 2010-April 2014
● TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Program for Promoting International Publications (UBYT) Money award for an article published in a Journal indexed in A&HCI: "Söylenti Bağlamında Toplumsal Değişime Örtülü Tepki/ Implicit Reaction Against Social Change in the Context of Rumour." MILLI FOLKLOR , Vol. 10, No: 75, Pp. 118-120, 2007. 2009
● TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Program for Promoting International Publications (UBYT) Money award for an article published in a Journal indexed in A&HCI: "Temel'in Uluslararası Akrabaları: Temel Fıkralarında Uyarlama Mümkün müdür?/ International Relatives of Temel: Is AppropriationPossible for Temel Jokes?" MILLI FOLKLOR , Vol. 10, No: 75, Pp. 88-90, 2007. 2009
● Bilkent University Turkish Literature M.A. Program, Full Scholarship 2006- 2007
● Key Concepts in American History: A Reader. Compiled and Edited by Hami Inan Gumus and Anna Stockitt (e-reader; prepared to be used as teaching material at the Department of English/Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg) July 2008
● "Temel'in Uluslararası Akrabaları: Temel Fıkralarında Uyarlama Mümkün müdür?/International Relatives of Temel: Is Appropriation Possible for Temel Jokes?" MILLI FOLKLOR , International and Quarterly Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 10, No: 75, Pp. 88-90, 2007 (Indexed in A&HCI) Sep. 2007
● "Söylenti Bağlamında Toplumsal Değişime Örtülü Tepki/ Implicit Reaction Against Social Change in the Context of Rumour." MILLI FOLKLOR, International and Quarterly Journal of Cultural Studies Vol. 10, No: 75, Pp. 118-120, 2007 (Indexed in A&HCI) Sep. 2007
● "Leyla Erbil'de Etik ve Estetik" (Book Review). Kanat, Bilkent University Center for Turkish Literature Bulletin. Spring 2007, p. 4 June 2007
● "Edgar Allan Poe’nun “Şiir Felsefesi” Makalesinde İki Küçük Sorun" ("Two Minute Problems in Poe’s "Philosophy of Composition"). Kitap-lik, No: 105, May 2007 May 2007
Conference Attendance
● American Wars: Material & Ideological Battle Grounds, Humboldt University Presentation Title: “Wielding the Sword of the Spirit for Redeemer’s Kingdom: Metaphors of War and American Missionary Establishment in the Ottoman Empire” Nov. 2013
Turkish (Native)
English (Fluent – TOEFL IBT 114, 2007)
German (Intermediate)
Ottoman Turkish
Italian (Beginner)