Dr. Sourav Kargupta

assoziierter Doktorand (10/2005-09/2007)
Precarious Objectifications: Ethics of Representation and the Figure of the Woman.
[A theoretical confrontation between the ‘deconstruction of any stable subjectivity’ and the ‘inevitability of subject-predication’ in postcolonial feminist politics].
Disciplinary foci: Feminist Philosophy, Social Sciences, Postcolonial Ethics, Comparative Literature.
PhD/Doctor of Philosophy in Arts Degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. (Degree dt. 16.09.2014).
Akademischer Werdegang
2000 | Bachelor of Science (BSc.), University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India with Honours in Botany. |
2001-2003 | Study of Masters (MA) in Comparative Literature at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India with a special paper on African Literature. |
2003 | MA / Masters of Arts in Comparative Literature from the Jadavpur University, India. Placed in First Class. |
2004-2007 | Research, Work and Teaching in the VW- Project: ‘Nationalist Ideology and the Historiography of Literature’ (funded by the Volkswagenstiftung) at the Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany |
2005-2007 | Taken part in the GSAA (Graduate School Asia and Africa in World Reference Systems), Halle (Saale), Germany. |
2010-2014 | PhD programme at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC), Jadavpur University, India. |
2014 | PhD /Doctor of Philosophy in Arts Degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. (Degree dt. 16.09.2014). PhD Thesis: Precarious Objectifications: Ethics of Representation and the Figure of the Woman. |
Jan 2015 - | Guest Teacher at the Department of Sociology, Presidency University, Kolkata. Taught major portion of SOCL: 0801 (‘Philosophy of the Social Sciences’; PGI). Also invited to design and teach SOCL: 0903 (‘Methodology of the Social Sciences’; PGII). |
Forschungsinteressen und - schwerpunkte
Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Intellectual and Political Thought, Work of Rabindranath Tagore, Gender Studies, Postmodern Theory (special emphasis on the continental tradition and Deconstruction), Comparative Literature.
Schwerpunkte der Lehre
I have specific expertise in teaching continental philosophy and postmodern theory, especially deconstruction and feminist theory. Broadly speaking, I am interested in teaching the following themes: (i) Philosophy of the social sciences (genealogies of the ‘subject’, the ‘object’, and of the ‘social’), (ii) ‘Postcolonial epistemology’ (special emphasis on the ‘subaltern studies’ and the postcolonial re-readings of the Marxian texts), (iii) Feminist Philosophy and Gender studies (emphasis on third world feminisms and the works of G. C. Spivak)
Akademische Preise
‘Karlshochschule Mobilities Grant’ by the Karlshochschule International University, Karlsruhe, Germany, in 2013.
- Bengali (native)
- English (proficient)
- German (basic)
- Hindi (conversational)
Vorträge auf Internationalen Konferenzen und Gastvorträge (in chronologischer Reihenfolge)
- Paper titled: “Translating identity and the identity of translation” at the Conference: L’Identité de la traduction et la traduction de l’identité (Translating Identity and the Identity of Translation), organised by Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur la Langue et l’Identité Culturelle, Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse/ University of Avignon, in Avignon, France, 2005.
- Paper titled: “On the supposed binary opposition of theory and pure reading: Dealing with literary texts as primary material” at the ‘Graduate School: Asia and Africa in World Reference Systems (GSAA)’, Halle (Saale), Germany, May, 2006.
- Paper titled: “Discipline and Love: the case of 19th century Bengal” presented at the GSAA- ‘Study day’, Section 2, Graduate School, GSAA, Halle (Saale), Germany, June 14, 2006.
- Paper titled: “The romantic economy of Bengali men: Dinesh Chandra Sen and the ‘woman question’”, Panel 22, The 19th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies (ECSAS)’ organized by the European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS), in University of Leiden, Holland, 27 to 30 June, 2006.
- Paper titled: “The Concept of the 'Folk' in Dinesh Chandra Sen's History of Bengali Literature: The reconstruction of the (forgotten) Bengali self” at the ‘Historiography of literature Conference’, organized by the VW- Project, Dept. of South-Asian studies, MLU, Halle, Germany, in Halle (Saale), Germany, Sep 22-24, 2006.
- Paper titled: “Identity Construction and Performativity in Nationalism” presented at the GSAA- ‘Study day’, Section 2, Graduate School, GSAA, Halle (Saale), Germany, December 1, 2007.
- Paper titled: “The Other in Language: A Derridian Reading of Translation” at the ‘National seminar on The Other and the Community: Philosophical Reflection on Identity, Tribes and World Views’ organized by the ICPR and the Department of Philosophy, NEHU, Shillong, in Shillong, India, 2010.
- Paper titled: “Questioning Cosmopolitanism: Deconstruction and the new Comparative literature ‘to come’” at the “Cultural Studies Workshop (CSW)” organized by the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences Calcutta (CSSSC), Kolkata in Jaipur, India, 2011.
- Paper titled: “Of Right Representation and Intervention: the Subject of 'Sati'” at the “International Graduate Conference, Colonial Legacies, Postcolonial Contestations: Decolonizing the Social Sciences and Humanities” organized by the Frankfurt Research Center for Postcolonial Studies (FRCPS), Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, in Frankfurt, Germany between 16-18 June, 2011.
- Invited talk. Paper titled: “‘Can the brown woman speak?’ Ethics of representation” at the Graduate School Society and Culture in Motion, MLU, Halle-Wittenberg, in Halle, Germany on 22 June, 2011.
- Invited talk. Paper titled: “Universal Human Rights face ‘sati’”, at the Institute for South Asia, Tibet and Buddhism Studies, the University of Vienna, in Vienna, Austria on 27 June, 2011.
- Invited talk. Paper titled: “Postcolonial Perspectives on Human Rights: the case of sati” at the South Asia Institute (SAI), University of Heidelberg, in Heidelberg, Germany on 29 June, 2011.
- Key-Note Speaker (Paper titled: “Agency and Resistance: Feminist Approaches”) at the National Students’ Seminar: ‘Agency and Resistance: Feminist Approaches’ organized by School of Women’s Studies, Jadavpur University in Kolkata, 13-14 March, 2012.
- Invited talk. Paper titled: “Can the brown woman speak?’ Ethics of re-presentation in the Feminist reconstruction of the 'sati’ debates”, at the BMBF Project, Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg at Freiburg, Germany on 28 March, 2012.
- Paper titled: “Reception of post-structuralism: The view from Calcutta” at the workshop: ‘Journée d’Etudes Paramètres épistémologiques de la circulation des idées en sciences socials’ , University of Freiburg at Freiburg, Germany 29-30 March, 2012.
- Paper titled: “Writing Beings Representing Bodies: Postmodernism and Women in Difference” at the ‘Graduate Student Workshop: Asian Postmodernities and their Legacies’, organized by University Research Priority Program (URPP) Asia and Europe at the University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 30-31 March, 2012.
- Paper titled: “Through and Beyond ‘Law’: Feminism of the Particular” at the ‘Workshop on Law and Gender’ organized by Lucerne Law School, University of Lucerne at Lucerne, Switzerland. 1 April, 2012.
- Paper titled: “Feminist (Ethics of) Inscription: Body, Machine, Materiality” at the ‘Feminist Inscriptions International Conference’ organized by the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC), Kolkata, India, 2013.
- Paper titled: “Travelling Theories: Deconstruction at the Limit of Postcolonial Feminist Ethics”, at the ‘Touring Consumption conference 2013’ organized by the Karlshochschule International University, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013.
- Paper titled: “Who represents the other woman? A feminist critique of ‘immediacy’” at the International Conference ‘Men Doing Feminism’ organized by the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC), Kolkata, India, Dec, 2014.
- Paper titled: “Deconstruction after Marx, or, two ways of thinking an ‘outside’” at the Conference ‘Reevaluating Poststructuralism’ organized by the JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University), l’Institut Français, and ICSSR, at JNU, New Delhi, India, Dec, 2014.
- Paper titled: “The Otherness of Modernity: Postcolonial Reason and the ‘Signature: Tagore’” at the Conference ‘Fractious Modernities: The (dis)Contents of the Now’ organized by the Dept. of English, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, Feb, 2015.
Kargupta, S. (2014): Precarious Objectifications: Ethics of Representation and the Figure of the Woman. PhD dissertation submitted to the Jadavpur University. (Preparing book proposal).
Englischsprachige Publikationen (in Peer-reviewed Journals und Sammelbänden)
- Kargupta, S. (2014): “Feminist Justice Beyond Law: Spivakian “Ab-Use” of Enlightenment Textuality in Imagining the Other”. In: Decolonizing Enlightenment: Transnational Justice, Human Rights and Democracy in a Postcolonial World. Ed. Dhawan, N. (Berlin, Toronto, Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers), 153-176. ISBN: 978-3-8474-0056-1. Peer-reviewed.
- Kargupta, S. (2013): “The New Comparative Literature ‘To Come’ as a Critique of Cosmopolitanism”. In: Society, Representation and Textuality. Eds. Bhattacharjee, S., Thomas, C.J. (New Delhi: SAGE), 22-40. ISBN: 9788132109532. Peer-reviewed.
- Kargupta, S. (2011): “Jacques Derrida and the Gift of Translation”. In: JJCL (Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature), No. 47. Ed. Dasgupta, S.C. (Calcutta: Department of Comparative Literature), 97-110. ISSN: 048-1143. Peer-reviewed Journal.
- Kargupta, S. (2010): “Dineshchandra Sen’s The Folk Literature of Bengal: The Canonisation of Folk and the Conception of the Feminine”. In: Literature and Nationalist Ideology: Writing Histories of Modern Indian Languages. Ed. Harder, H. (New Delhi: Social Sciences Press), 126-148. ISBN: 9788187358336. Peer-reviewed.
- Kargupta, S. (2006): “Lost in Translation: The Many Histories of Nationalism”. In: Translating Identity and the Identity of Translation. Eds. Gonzalez, M., Tolron, F. (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press), 88-102. ISBN: 1-84718-043-4.
- Kargupta, S. and Sudeb De. (2004): “Borders, Barbed Wires and Three African ‘Nations’”. In: Palavar, Ed. Chanda, I. (Kolkata: Jadavpur University), 36-45. No ISBN.
Publikationen in Vorbereitung
- Kargupta, S.: “Spectral Touring: Subject, Consumption, and the Wound of the Photograph”. In: Conference Volume of Touring Consumption Conference (title undecided). Eds. Wee, D., Sonnenburg, S. Forthcoming in 2015 with Springer. Peer-reviewed.
- Kargupta, S.: “Deconstruction and Feminism”. In: Special Issue of Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques. Eds. Jaguscik, J. Forthcoming in 2016. Peer-reviewed Journal.
- Kargupta, S.: “The Literary, the Comparative, and the National: Some Conjectures”. In: edited volume (title undecided). Forthcoming with Centre for Advanced Study, Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University. Peer-reviewed.
Wichtige Publikationen in Bengali
- Kargupta, S. (2011): “Review-article” on Toward a Politics of the (Im)Possible: Body in Third World Feminisms by Anirban Das. In: Baromas (Bengali journal), No. 33, 2011. (Kolkata), 286-289.
- Kargupta, S. (2009): “Upanibeshbad/ uttar-upanibeshbad: Prastabana” [“Colonialism/Postcolonialism: A Preface”]. In: Alochona Chakra (Bengali journal), No. 27, August, 2009. (Kolkata), 149-155.
- Kargupta, S. (2004): “Rupkathar chotogalpa chotagalper rupkatha” [“On the patriarchal structure of the fairy tale genre and its critique in modern Bengali short stories by Rabindranath Tagore”]. In: Literary Studies in India: Thematology. Eds. Bandyopadhyay, S. (Kolkata: Jadavpur University), 189-196.