Dr. Susanne Klien
(scholarship holder 01/2006 - 11/2007)
Dr. Susanne Klien
Lehrstuhl für Verwaltungswissenschaft
Fakultät für Politik- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Waseda Universität
Shinjuku-ku, Nis
169-8050 Tokyo, Japan
phone: ++49 (0) 345 / 552 43 32
Reconstructing Japan’s International Contribution in the wake of 9-11: Implications for Japan’s national security debate
The aim of my project is to examine how Japan's national security debate has been affected by the terrorist attacks in 2001 and how it has evolved since then. I intend to conduct a hermeneutic discourse analysis by focusing on selected Japanese journals between October 2001 and the present. Drawing on results gained in my dissertation, I will analyze how the different schools of thought I have distinguished, perceive the three key concepts of self, national security and international society. My theoretical tenets are primarily constructivist in nature.
Brief biographical statement
Born in Vienna in 1972, Susanne Klien obtained her M.A. in Translation, Interpreting and Regional Studies from the University of Vienna. Continuing her doctoral studies at the Institute of Political Science of her alma mater under the supervision of Prof. Helmut Kramer, she was awarded a Japanese Ministry of Education (Monbusho) scholarship to do fieldwork at the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University. Her doctoral thesis Rethinking Japan's Identity and International Role: An Intercultural Perspective was published by Routledge in 2002. She worked as Assistant Professor at the Institute of Japanese Studies of Berlin Humboldt University from March 2003 to December 2005.