Dr. Sung-Joon Park
Scientific Collaborator (until 2014-03-31)
Mail: sung.park@ethnologie.uni-halle.de
Phone: +49-345 55-24 197
Member of the LOST-Group
Curriculum Vitae
Seminar for Anthropology and Philosophy, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, DFG Priority Program 1448
PhD Candidate at the Max-Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Germany; Research Group “Law, Organization, Science, Technology in Africa”
Associate at the Max-Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Germany; Research Group “Law, Organization, Science, Technology in Africa”
Since 07/2008
PhD start-up grant; Graduate School “Culture and Society in Motion” Halle/Germany
Magister Artium Social Anthropology,
MA-thesis: “Tender as a Form of the State: How Procurement reorganises State and Society in South Africa”
Magister Social Anthropology Philosophy at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Ba. Sc. In Computer Science and Philosophy
Ba-thesis: “An ontological analysis of biological organisms and its application in biomedical classification systems”
University of Liverpool, UK; Computer Science, Philosophy; Erasmus/Sokrates exchange student
University of Leipzig, Germany; Computer Science, Philosophy
- Park, Sung-Joon 2012 „Stock-outs in global health: Pharmaceutical governance and uncertainties in the global supply of ARVs in Uganda“. In Rethinking Biomedicine and Governance in Africa. P.W. Geissler, R. Rottenburg, and J. Zenker, eds. Pp. 177-194. Bielefeld: Transcript.
- "What counts in ART? Pharmaceutical government, scientific knowledge, and mass HIV treatment in the making of global public health in Uganda"
- “Measuring Insecurity: PTSD and human security in post-war Northern Uganda"
- Uganda 2012 (1 month)
- Uganda 2010-2011 (3 months)
- Uganda 2009-2010 (11 months)
- Cape Town, South Africa 2006-2007 (7 months)
- SS 2009 – Seminar: Von Menschen und Medikamenten
- SS 2011 – Seminar: Medicines in Africa (with Herbert Muyinda and David Kyaddondo)
Research Interests
- Anthropology of biomedicine
- Global health, and the state
- Science and Technology Studies
- Antiretroviral therapy, PTSD Uganda