Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg



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Annina Ocken

Annina Ocken


Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Brumann   

Projekt: Contemporary art in Indonesia – a case study of everyday life in the Yogyakarta art scene

The proposed PhD project on “Contemporary art in Indonesia – a case  study of everyday life in the Yogyakarta art scene” aims to detail the  understanding of the art scene in Yogyakarta – the main art and cultural  node of Indonesia.  To that end, 12 months of ethnographic research is  planned in the city  of Yogyakarta, a district of the semi-autonomous  region of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), "Yogyakarta Special Region".

The  puzzle is to answer the question how the internationalisation of contemporary art challenges and changes contemporary Art in Yogyakarta.  In doing so I will focus primarily on individual artists, to give a grassroots perspective of the current development and the  transformation of art in Indonesia'  and thus, provide a deep insight into the intersection of contemporary  Indonesian art in Yogyakarta. During the fieldwork I will conduct the  methods of participant  observations, writing fieldnotes and informal interviews. The methods will constantly narrow down my research questions and allow me to frame questions for semi-structured interviews with experts.

This  ethnography will not only provide insights into one of the  rising art centres of the world but also contribute to two bodies of existing  scholarship within anthropology. The first contribution will provide a theoretical conceptualisation of the projects drawn from anthropological literature helpful in understanding local and global art worlds and its  actors. Secondly, it will moreover contribute to the growing field of Southeast Asian Studies, specifically to the ongoing  construction of  Southeast Asian art history from a social anthropological perspective.

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