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Jahr 2018

Giordana Bruno - Will, Power, and Being

11.04.2018: May 17-18, 2018 – An International Colloquium

LEUCOREA Foundation

Collegienstraße 62, 06886 Wittenberg

‘That a profound sensitivity towards spirituality penetrates all Giordano Bruno`s philosophy—as Eugenio Garin puts it in his L`umanesimo italiano—in no way can be denied […]. A religious inspiration goes through and inflames all his writings, although it later lead him even to the blasphemy against the Christian religion.’ As the statement suggests, religion actually reveals to be indispensable for an adequate understanding of Giordano Bruno`s thought and hence for a correct appreciation of attitudes like, on the one hand, his defence of an infinite universe in cosmology or, on the other hand, his anthropological positions and the importance he gave to philosophy by considering it as an ethical and historical mission.
Starting from a re-evaluation of Christianity after Luther’s Reform, the event aims to discuss Giordano Bruno`s contribution to the history of modern ideas by focusing in particular on theological, moral, and legal-political aspects of his philosophy, and by comparing his views to other significant sixteenth-century writers, who include: his fellow countrymen Alberico Gentili and Tommaso Campanella, the masters of the School of Salamanca, François Hotman, Michel de Montaigne, François Bauduin, Celio Secondo Curione, and Jean Bodin. In continuity with the first 2 editions of the event and the meetings that preceded it, special attention will be paid to Bruno’s last philosophical teaching: his Wittenberg period and the role of the city in the second half of the sixteenth century, the ‘Frankfurt trilogy’, the treatises on magic, and the trial documentation.

For further details please contact:

Daniel Lucas, University of Halle-Wittenberg

Research Cluster  ‘Society and Culture in Motion’ Reichardtstraße 6, 06114 Halle (Saale)

Phone: +493455524077


Jahr 2017

Das Konzept der Personalität im andinen Raum
23.06.2017, 17.00 Uhr

Wie hat sich "Personalität" in den letzten 500 Jahren unter dem Einfluss der spanischen Sprache verändert? Was folgt daraus, dass man die Mutter-Natur "Pachamama" innerhalb der ecuadorianischen Verfassung (2008) als Rechtsperson bezeichnet hat?
Diesen spannenden Fragen nähern sich PD Dr. Kerstin Störl und Dr. Stefan Knauß aus linguistischer und philosophischer Perspektive, um gemeinsam zu diskutieren, welche Konsequenzen wir aus der besonderen Erfahrung der eingeborenen Völker Lateinamerikas für unser Selbstverständnis als Menschen und unserem Verhältnis zur Natur ziehen können.
Der Forschungsschwerpunkt Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung untersucht auf interdisziplinäre Weise die Wanderung und Transformation von Konzepten und Institutionen, um daraus Rückschlüsse zu ziehen, auf welche Weise sich Zukunft denken und gestalten lässt.

PD Dr. Kerstin Störl (Institut für Romanistik)
Dr. Stefan Knauß (Seminar für Philosophie)


17.00 - 19.00 Uhr

Seminarraum, Reichardtstraße 6

Roads towards Trans-Modernity? A Comparison of Buen Vivir and Conviviality as Attempts to Overcome the Colonial Paradigm of Modernity
21.06.2017, 18:00 Uhr

05.06.2017: The notion of modernity entailed that the evolution of rationally organized institutions like capitalism, techno-sciences and legal framings would finally allow us to control global policies and social development. At the same time evidence of climate change, mass migration and heavy extractivism show how limited modern institutions are in their attempt to control global social and economic enmeshments. In Latin America and Europe different projects of de-growth and de-coloniality attempt to present alternatives. They propose leaving modernity and its identitarian project of individual fulfillment, establishing instead relational alternatives between consumers and producers, local communities and their environment, and relational knowledge. The paper  seeks to compare two current debates on de-colonial and de-growth alternatives to the ongoing neo-liberal approach to globalization. Sumak Kawsay, the Ecuadorian concept of Full Life or Buen Vivir is a community based local approach to organize harmonious social relations around the idea that the surrounding eco-systems has similar rights to those of human beings. Conviviality is a project established by European (mainly French and German) intellectuals to develop a new social, moral and political philosophy that does not rely any longer on the idea of infinite economic growth, opposing the global hegemony of finance capitalism and looking for various forms of prosperity without growth. Through this comparison, similarities and differences between both concepts should become clearly visible. In a final step, the paper attempts to situate both debates within the larger question of how to handle counter-hegemonic discourses and practices without an essentialist approach that sells these discourses and practices as a self-legitimizing universal paradigm.

PD Dr. Ralph Buchenhorst


18.00 - 20.00 Uhr

Seminarraum, Reichardtstraße 6

Jahr 2016

Roundtable with Prof. Asha Varadharajan of Queen's University (Kingston ON, Canada)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 2.15 pm, a roundtable with Prof. Asha Varadharajan of Queen`s University (Kingston ON, Canada) on "Agency and Voice. The History and Impact of Postcolonial Studies and a Look into its Future" will take place.

Venue: Germanistisches Institut, Ludwig-Wucherer-Str. 2, Halle (Saale), Room 23.

In the present semester Prof. Varadharajan is teaching as one of  MLU`s guest prof. in Comparative Literature; the roundtable is arranged and offered in cooperation with the Muhlenberg Center for American Studies and the Research Cluster "Society and Culture in Motion." Everyone interested in the topic is welcome to attend.

A poster with further information on the roundtable can be downloaded here.

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Internationale Tagung : „Regelfolgen, Regelschaffen, Regeländerung. Die Herausforderung für Auto-Nomie und Universalismus durch Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger und Carl Schmitt"

Vom 01.11.16 – 03.11.16 veranstalten das Seminar für Philosophie und der Forschungsschwerpunkt "Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung" der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Verbindung mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt am Main) eine Internationale Tagung zum Thema „Regelfolgen, Regelschaffen, Regeländerung. Die Herausforderung für Auto-Nomie und Universalismus durch Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger und Carl Schmitt".

Die Tagung findet an der Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Halle (Saale) statt. Genaue Orts- und Raumangaben werden in Kürze hier bekanntgegeben.

Diese wissenschaftliche Veranstaltung wird finanziell unterstützt von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Weiter Informationen zur Tagung und deren Programm finden Sie hier:

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Amo Lecture von Arjun Appadurai (New York University) zum Thema: "The Precarious Future of National Sovereignty" am 18.10.2016

Am Dienstag, den 18. Oktober 2016 findet um 18 Uhr die nächste Anton Wilhelm Amo Lecture statt. Hierfür konnte der renommierte Ethnologe Arjun Appadurai von der New York University gewonnen werden.

Er wird sprechen zum Thema: “The Precarious Future of National Sovereignty”.

Veranstaltungsort ist: Hörsaal XX, Melanchthonianum, Universitätsplatz 9, 06108 Halle (Saale).

Die Reihe „Amo Lectures“ wird veranstaltet von den von den Forschungsschwerpunkten „Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung“ und „Aufklärung – Religion – Wissen“. Der Vortrag von Herrn Appadurai wird mitveranstaltet vom DFG Priority Programme SPP 1448: „Adaption and Creativity in Africa“.

Weitere Informationen:

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Die Lesereihe "LAND LEBEN ERZÄHLEN" startet am 13.04.2016 mit einem Vortrag von Arnd Bauerkämper zum Thema "Dorfideologien. Projektionen und Funktionalisierungen in der Geschichte".

Die Reihe wird veranstaltet vom Forschungsprojekt "Experimentierfeld Dorf".


Informationen zu diesem und den weiteren Terminen:

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Scientific theme evening: Universities in the Arab World

After an Introduction by Thomas Scheffer (Berlin) under the title of "Between Demand and Supply: On International Cooperation with Arab Universities in the Early 21st Century", Daniele Cantini will present and discuss his book Youth and Education in the Middle East.


Venue: June 21, 2016, 6pm (s.t.), Research Cluster and Graduate School "Society and Culture in Motion", Reichardstraße 6, seminar room.


In case you are interested in attending the event, please confirm your participation by June 19, 2016, contacting Oliver-Pierre Rudolph, "".

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Neues Online Working Paper veröffentlicht

Online Working Paper Nr. 24:

Can legislative jargon learn from children? Inclusion through accessibility of language in CRPD & DRIP

von Daniel Pateisky

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Veranstaltungen des Forschungsschwerpunkts im Rahmen der Internationalen Woche der MLU

Der Forschungsschwerpunkt "Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung" steuert drei Programmpunkte zur Internationalen Woche der MLU bei: Eine von Boris Wille moderierte Diskussionsrunde mit ERASMUS-Studierenden zum Thema "Ethnologie Studieren im Ausland", ein Vortrag von Daniele Cantini zum Thema "Doing field research in the Middle East" sowie ein Erfahrungsbericht von Hami Inan Gümüs zum Thema "Doctoral studies in Halle as a foreign Ph. D. student".


Termin und Veranstaltungsort: 4. Mai 2016, 14-17 Uhr, Seminarraum des Forschungsschwerpunkts "Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung", Reichardtstr. 6, D-06114 Halle.

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New grants for Ph.D. students

The Graduate School “Society and Culture in Motion”, Halle (Germany) announces the following openings:

  • 4 grants for Ph.D. students (EUR 1050/month) for 24 months with the  possibility of a 12 month extension (Beginning: April 1st, 2016).

Applications must be received (not postmarked) by February 19th, 2016.

Please see the attachment and the GS SCM website for further information about contents and application process:

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Amo Lecture by Gwyn Campell, McGill University, Montreal/Canada

The Anton Wilhelm Amo Lecture in Summer term 2016 wil be held by  Prof. Dr. Gwyn Campbell (McGill University, Montreal/Canada) on "The  Role of Africa in the Indian Ocean Slave Trade".

Venue: April 19th, 2016, 6pm, GSZ, Hörsaal I, Adam-Kuckhoff-Str. 35.


Further information:

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