Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


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Laura Venegoni

Laura Venegoni

Laura Venegoni

associated Ph.D. student


Laura Venegoni

Orientalisches Institut
Seminar für Christlichen Orient und Byzanz
Philosophische Fakultät I
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-
06114 Halle / Saale

phone: ++49 (0) 345 / 552 40 71
fax: ++49 (0) 345 / 552 71 23

Christlicher Orient und Byzanz

War Preparatives and military-diplomatic negotiations between Papacy and the Il-Khans at the turn of the XIIIth century (1274 - 1307)

Supervisor: PD Armenui Drost-Abgarjan, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Tubach

Scientifical research about the historical events that have taken place in the period 1274-1307 mainly based on three subjects:

  1. The political history of the Mongol Empire and the geopolitical complications at the turn of the XIIIth century
  2. The scientifical inquiry about the diplomatic epistolar exchange between the Il-Khans and Papacy in the period between 1274 and 1307 and about the activities of the diplomatic chancellery of the Mongol Empire. Mongolian-Sino-Iranian historiographic comparative studies.
  3. Warfare policy for the new Crusade. Fidentius Patavini's Liber Recuperationis Terrae Sanctae (completed about 1291).

Academic Career

1993-1994: High School Diploma in Foreign Languages at "Adelaide Cairoli", in Pavia, Italy.


05/2007-until nowEditor for Peter Delius Producing National Geographic Collection
06 - 09/2005Scholarship at Muis (National University of Mongolia), Ulaan Baatar
08/2005DAI (Bonn) Archaeological Excavations in Qara Qorum (Mongolia)
08/2004Hermitage SKAEGE Archaeological Excavations at Stary Krim, Solhat (Ucraine)
09/2004"Das Bild der Mongolen in den armenischen Quellen" in der Leucorea-Stiftung in Wittenberg. Lecture: "Hethums Chronical La Flor des Estoires de la Terre d'Orient in the context of the mongolo-armeinian military alliance".
11/2003"Militaria". Project within SFB by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Tubach (Martin-Luther-University). More: Orientalische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
04-05/2003Internship in the Islamic Museum, Berlin
04/2001-06/2001Internship in the Italian Cultural Institute, Berlin
06-12/1998Language course at "Beijing Language and Culture University" (Yu Xyan Xue Yuan), Beijing, People's Republic of China


  • "Hülägü's Campaign in the West (1256-1260)" in: Eran ud Aneran, ed. M. Compareti, P. Raffetta, G. Scarcia, Ca´Foscarina, Venice 2006.
    See also:   
  • "Diplomazia e preparativi di guerra per una crociata mancata. Il-Khanidi e Papato a cavallo dei due concilii di Lione (1245-1274)", ed. Carlo Colleoni, Edizioni Italo Svevo, Trieste 2006.
  • "Il valore dei Cristiani d'Oriente come inviati diplomatici tra papato e regno ilkhanide (1260-1289)", in: Il ruolo geopolitico e geostrategico della religione in Eurasia. Ed. Aldo Colleoni, Edizioni Goliardiche 2007.
  • "Ein Manuskript von Pietro Della Valle verfasst in Goa im Jahr 1624" in: Der Christliche Orient und seine Umwelt, ed. S. Vashalomidze, L. Greisiger, Wiesbaden 2007.
  • "China -A Visual Adventure", ed. Peter Delius Producing for the National Geographic, Hamburg. (Coming out in April 2008)
  • "India -A Visual Adventure", ed. Peter Delius Producing for the National Geographic, Hamburg. (Coming out in September 2008)

Foreign Languages

Italian, German, English, French, Chinese Mandarin, Farsi, Russian
