Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


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Ramona Wöllner

Ramona Wöllner Ph. D. Student (Scholarship holder 02/2011-07/2011)

Ramona Wöllner Ph. D. Student (Scholarship holder 02/2011-07/2011)

Ph. D. Student (Scholarship holder 02/2011-07/2011)

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Veltri

Jewish Liturgy as Reflection of the German-Jewish History and the Self-Image of Jewish Communities in the 19th and Beginning 20th Century.

The Prayer for the King is the subject of this Ph.D.-project. This prayer has two semantic levels: a rogation for the welfare of the gentile king and the formulation of messianic hopes of redemption for the Jewish people. There, the prayer contains a tension in its text. While 19th century, this ambivalence wins highest importance for German Jewry because efforts in emancipation and integration of Jewish population stand on the one side, and on the other side historico-philosophical, political and anti-Semitic models seek exclude Jews from German society.

The Prayer for the King reflects in its development during 19th century several factors. First, one can find the Jewish understanding of German state and the position of Judaism in this state. Second, authors of prayers variants want to demonstrate their integration ability in German society. Third, they put new identity conceptions of dissociation from other Jewish religious groups into their prayer variants.

Aim of the project is the analysis of reception history of the Prayer for the King under these three aspects.

Curriculum Vitae


02/2011-05/2011Start-up grant at the Graduate School "Society and Culture in Motion; Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
03/2009-12/2010Manfred Lautenschläger-Scholarship for German-Jewish history of relation at Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Heidelberg
since 2008Ph.D. Student at MLU Halle-Wittenberg (supervisor: Prof. G. Veltri): Jewish Liturgy as Reflection of the German-Jewish History and the Self-Image of Jewish Communities in the 19th and beginning 20th Century
2004-2008M.A. studies in Jewish Studies and Protestantical Theology at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Professional activities

Winter term 2010/2011Assistant Teacher at Seminary for Jewish Studies; Seminary: Introduction in Hebrew Bible and Jewish Religio-Philosophy
Winter term 2009/2010Assistant Teacher at Seminary for Jewish Studies; Seminary: Introduction in Tanakh
09/2007-03/2011Student Assistent at Seminary for Biblical Sciences, Institute for Old Testament; Prof. Dr. E.-J. Waschke
Summer term 2009Assistant Teacher at Seminary for Jewish Studies; Seminary; „Worship service with Heart”
10/2008-07/2009Conference Assistent at Seminary für Jewish Studies of Conference: ’Uomo Sagace’ Yehuda Moscato e la Cultura Ebraica del Rinascimento (5.-7.Juli 2009)
09/2007-09/2008Student Assistent at Seminary for Jewish Studies; Prof. Dr. G.Veltri
08/2008-09/2008Editorial work of a Sephardic-Hebrew manuscript; Prof. Veltri Seminary for Jewish Studies
Summer 2007Jüdische Zeitung WERNER Media Group GmbH in Berlin; Articles (by my own name and pseudonymous: Jochebed Komusin) for editions 09(25), September 2007 und 10(26), Oktober 2007 as well editional preliminary works
Summer 2006Salomon Ludwig Steinheim- Institut für deutsch-jüdische Geschichte in Duisburg; paper of research Duisburger Juden aus der Provinz Posen (Jews of Duisburg coming from Province Posen) for collection of essays History of Jews in Duisburg; Biography about Jewish merchant Lauter; partly translation of Hebrew Tomb-Books
Summer 2005Kolleg für Management und Gestaltung nachhaltiger Entwicklung gGmbH in Dessau; Translation Hebrew inscripts of Jewish tombstones; collection of material for the project Antisemitismus in Sachsen-Anhalt, Anfang 20. Jahrhundert (Anti-Semitism in Sxony-Anhalt) as basis for the project Stolpersteine in Dessau (Sticking point in Dessau)
Summer 2004Universität Leipzig, Simon-Dubnow-Institut für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur e.V.; Editorial revise of papers for Jahrbuch/Yearbook des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts and Leipziger Beiträge für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur (Leipzig papers for Jewish History and Culture); Organization of International Forum of Young Scholars on East European Jewry and Assistent at structural organization of the library


10/2010"Prayer for the King and ist Reception History in German Jewry in 19th Century"; Colloquium of Seminary für Jewish Studies at Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
09/2010Transformation of Political Conceptions in Religious Context of 19th Century, demonstrated on Prayer for the King; in: Deutscher Orientalistentages 2010 in Marburg; topic: Spiegelungen, Projektionen, Reflexionen
09/2010"History versus Meta-History?: History as Mean of own Search for Identity in Process of Emancipation and Jusitification in History of a Gentile State", in: Religion, Memory and Transformation – Past and Realization in Religious Memorial Processes; in: Conference at Institute for Religious Studies at Theolgical Faculty Göttingen
07/2010"Jewish Historiography in 19th Century. An Overview". Old Testament Partnership at Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
04/2010The Identity „Israel“ – Transfomation of this Term in Context of Prayer for teh King; Seminary for JuJewish Studies at Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
12/2009"The Influence of the immigration of East-European Jews on Identity Concepts of German Jews; in: Jewish Migration and Integration to the Metropolises of Europe, 1848-1918: A Comparative Perspective, 2009; Institut der Wirtschaft- und Sozialgeschichte der Universität Wien
03/2009State and Religion: The Prayer for the King as Political-Theological Conception in Jewish Liturgy; in: Early Modern Jewish History as Sacred History. Confrontation, Exchange and Transfer/Die jüdische Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit als sakrale Geschichte. Konfrontation, Austausch und Transfer; Institute of Religious Studies Erfurt/ Historical College Munich


The Prayer for the Welfare of the Fatherland as Political-Theological Conception of Liturgy; in: Mussaf. Magazin der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 1/09, S. 4f.

Editorial assistance on publication Phöbus Philippson. Biographische Skizzen (Phöbus Philippson. Biographical Sketches) by Moses Mendelssohn Societyt, Bernd Ulbrich, Dessau 2007: Edition of the Hebrew texts

Articles in Jüdischen Zeitung. Unabhängige Monatszeitung für zeitgenössisches Judentum (Jewish Paper. Independed Monthly for contemporary Judaism)

  • Build or Not Build – that is the Question, in Nr.09 (25), Sept. 2007, S.10
  • Like the Pips of Pomegranate, ebd., S. 23
  • Jiskor Elohim, ibd., S. 23 (Pseudonymous: Jochebed Komusin)
  • Kraft Resister on „Black List“ in Nr.10 (26), S. 8.

In Press: German-Jewish Identity in Conflict with East-European Jews: The Influence of Immigration on Identity Conceptions, in: Jewish Migration and Integration, ed. by Ingo Haar, New York Oxford


Jan. 2011: DFG-Network „Sprachdenken und politische Theorie. Jüdisch-deutsche Beiträge zur Kultur- und Sozialtheorie“ (Language thinking and Political Theory. Jewish-German Contributions to Cultural- and Social Theory) at Max-Weber Kolleg für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien Erfurt
