Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


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Methods of Qualitative Textual Analysis

Workshop, organized by Daniel Kremers and Serena Tolino



 One of the common elements between different fields of humanities is the use of textual sources, a characteristic that unit us as colleagues of the Graduate School. Beyond the imagined and geographical borders of the disciplines and areas we are engaged in our research we all deal with textual sources that are the common ground of our very different disciplines. These sources might be as diverse as ancient scriptures, legal paragraphs, internet-blogs, or archival documents. However, common to them is that before we have to conclude proper interpretations from these texts, they have to be structured and undergo qualitative analysis.

Text interpretation is always the last step of qualitative text-analysis, and should be influenced by our disciplinary background, our theoretical framework, and our research question. This workshop however wants to focus on the steps that come before that, and within this highlight the importance of scrutiny, show the difficulties and dangers in dealing with texts, and make its participants sensible to delicate issues as indexicality, referentiality or inter-subjectivity.  


Further Information on the Lecturers

Dr. Daniele Cantini (Social and Political Anthropology of the Middle East)

Dr. Anja Osiander (Political Science/Japan Studies):

Dr. Dominique Schirmer (Sociology/China Studies)


7th May 2010

2 - 2.45 pmOpening and Introduction by Dominique Schirmer
2 - 3.45 pmDominique Schirmer: Basic questions in projects: aims and material of research & basic working techniques
3.45 - 4 pmCoffee Break
4 - 5.45 pmDominique Schirmer: Analysis 1.) Content analysis as a method of triangulating material and techniques
2.) Hermeneutically analysing qualitative data – some helpful techniques
5.45 - 6 pmCoffee Break
6 - 7 pmAnja Osiander: In search of the ‘kokutai’ (national polity) – Les-sons from a project on political semantics in Japan
7 - 7.30 pmPlenary Session
8 pm ---Dinner or BBQ

8th May 2010

Venue: Mühlweg 15, Oriental Institute

9 - 9.15 amReception
9.15 - 10.30 amFirst Working Groups Session
10.30 - 10.45 amCoffee break
10.45 am - 12 pmSecond Working Groups Session
12 - 1 pmLunch
1 - 2 pmDaniele Cantini: Anthropology and the Text: notes from the field of Egypt
2 - 2.30 pmPlenary Session

Workshop Report

Workshop Report by Serena Tolino
Workshop Report 7th-8th May 2010_Serena Tolino.pdf (179.7 KB)  vom 16.05.2011
