PD Dr. Ralph Buchenhorst
phone: ++49 (0) 345 / 552 41 74
room E09.0
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung
Reichardtstraße 6
06114 Halle (Saale)
PD Dr. phil. habil. Ralph Buchenhorst

Senior Researcher 10/2015-
(Senior Research Fellow 08/2008 - ,
interruption 04/2009 - 03/2010
and 02/2013 - 06/2013)
Current Research Projects
- 1. Producing evidence, narrating violence: translating genocides and their remembrance.
- 2. Cultural Heritage, Memory Politics, and Reconciliation: An Intercultural Investigation of Holocaust Remembrance in Germany and Israel
Research Interests
Areas of Specialization
- Critical Theory and its Global Reception
- Theories of Modernity
- Philosophy and Ethics
- Aesthetics, Theory of the European Avant-Garde
- Works and Reception of Martin Heidegger
- Memory Discourses in Europe and Latin America
- Visual Representation of the Shoah
- Postcolonial Theory
Areas of Competence
- Intercultural Philosophy
- 19th and 20th Century German Philosophy
- Aesthetics, Visual Culture
- Social Philosophy
- 20th Century European History
- Cultural Studies, Latin American Studies
Geographical Areas of Research
Europe, Israel, Latin America