Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


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Tagungen und Workshops

The conferences are organized by the Senior Research Fellows.

The Workshops bring together local/regional (junior) scholars as well as speakers from outside (Germany and abroad). Thematically, they are defined by the research interests of the Senior Research Fellows who are organising them.


International Conference: "Rule Following, Rule Creation, Rule Change. Challange for Autonomy and Universalism by Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger and Carl Schmitt"

01.11.16 – 03.11.16

Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Historischer Hörsaal XIV c, Löwengebäude, Universitätsplatz 11, 06108 Halle

This conference is financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

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International Workshop: Translatability of Genocidal and Mass Violence: Evidentiary Practices, Narratives of Remembrance, and Future Making

Date: April 7th – 8th, 2016

Venue: Research Cluster Society and Culture in Motion, Reichardtstr. 6, D-06114 Halle (Saale), Germany

Organizer: Organized jointly by the Research Group Law, Organization, Science and Technology” and the Research ClusterSociety and Culture in Motion” at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg


Workshop Abstract

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Workshop: Egypt's electoral roller-coaster: Voting in times of political turmoil

Joint workshop of the MLU‘s Oriental Institut (Arabic/Islamic Studies) and the Graduate School "Society and Culture in Motion“

Workshop and discussion with Hania Sobhy (FUB), Florian Kohstall (FUB), Daniele Cantini (MLU), Björn Bentlage (MLU).

This  year‘s parliamentary elections in Egypt ended in early December. They  were barely noticed outside of the country even though they mark the end  of a long transitional period that had begun with the Arab Spring in  2011. That period is now – after five tumultuous zears of military rule,  several elections and constitutions, dissolutions of parliament, and a  popular coup against an elected Islamist president – coming to a close  as the parliamentary elections usher in a newly assembled system under  president al-Sisi. After the 2015 elections, Egypt will have a  complete set of state powers for the first time since 2011. It is time  to look back then, reflect on the events of the last years, and consider  what may lie ahead. The workshop means to compare the muted elections  of 2015 with the partly enthusiastic, partly embittered voting  experiences in the years before, providing an opportunity to discuss the  volatile meaning and import of elections in general and the prospects  of Egypt in particular.


Venue: Friday, December 18, 2015, 10.15-11.45 a.m., Mühlweg 15, SRI.

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Workshop "Experimentierfeld Dorf"

Am 10./11. Dezember findet im Forschungsschwerpunkt "Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung" der Auftaktworkshop zum  Forschungsprojekt "Experimentierfeld Dorf" statt. Auf diesem werden  sowohl die jeweiligen Teilprojekte als auch weitere Forschungs- und  Dissertationsprojekte zum Themengebiet vorgestellt und diskutiert.  Externe Teilnehmer werden gebeten, sich vor Beginn der Tasgung  anzumelden. Kontakt: Marc Weiland ().


Forschungsschwerpunkt "Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung", Reichardstraße 6 ·  Seminarraum

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German-Italian Vico Conference
"Giambattista Vicos De Universi Juris Uno Principio, et Fine Uno im
Kontext der europäischen Naturrechtstradition und Vicos Bedeutung für
die heutige Debatte"

Vom 6. bis 7. Mai 2015 findet im Seminarraum des Forschungsschwerpunkts "Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung" in der Reichardtstr. 6 die deutsch-italienische Tagung "Giambattista Vicos De Universi Juris Uno Principio, et Fine Uno im Kontext der europäischen Naturrechtstradition und Vicos Bedeutung für die heutige Debatte" statt.

Die Tagung wird unter der Leitung von Matthias Kaufmann (Halle) vom Forschungsschwerpunkt "Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung" und dem Seminar für Philosophie der MLU in Kooperation mit der Sezione di Filosofia del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici der Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II veranstaltet.

Am Mittwoch, den 6. Mai 2015 beginnt die Tagung um 9:00 Uhr. Die Vorträge enden an diesem Tag gegen 18:00 Uhr. Am Donnerstag, den 7. Mai 2015 wird das Programm um 9:30 Uhr fortgesetzt. Tagungsende ist ca. 13:00 Uhr.

Das Tagungsprogramm mit weiteren Informationen zu den einzelnen Vorträgen finden Sie hier.

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2nd Workshop on Reconciliation and Remembrance: An Approach to Develop and Validate Best Reconciliation Practices

Date: April 27, 2015, 10 am - 6 pm.


Venue: Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena


Organizers: Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner (JCRS, Jena University),  PD Dr. Ralph Buchenhorst (SCM, MLU), Dr. James Thompson (SCM, MLU),  Prof. Dr. Ralf K. Wüstenberg (Flensburg University).


This workshop sets forth considerations for the development and   validation of best reconciliation practices as discussed in our first   international workshop “Conflict Resolution, Remembrance, and Justice:   Towards an International Center for Reconciliation”, realized at the   Research Cluster/Graduate School "Society and Culture in Motion",   16.–18.07.2014. The event invites young researchers to outline the  steps  for developing the framework for validating reconciliation  methods and  propose a roadmap for establishing an international agenda  for best  reconciliation practices. We attempt to define and justify  methods or  techniques that have consistently shown results superior to  those  achieved with other means and that are used as a benchmark.

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International Conference "Surviving genocide: On what remains and the possibility of representation"

Date: December 10-13, 2014


Venue: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Halle (Saale); Research Cluster/Graduate School "Society and Culture in Motion"


Organizers: Fazil Moradi, M.A. (MPI Halle), PD Dr. Ralph Buchenhorst (SCM, MLU), Dr. Maria Six-Hohenbalken (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Social Anthropology)


The main tasks of the conference are to scrutinize the  internationally acknowledged ways of dealing with the aftermath of  genocides and to discuss new approaches to transmit or rather transform  the survivors’ suffering, coping and their claims for recognition. We  expect critical inquiry into the ways in which experiences of  extermination are represented in the arts, mass media, law and episteme.  Regardless of the different representational modes, all discourses  translate acts of extermination into visual and verbal communication.  Thus, the ways poetry, painting, drawing, photography, film, novel,  academic writing, testimony and the discreet legal proceedings at the  International Criminal Court deal with the aftermath of mass crimes may  be examined. Within this context, the ramification of globally  circulating modes of representation, power and gender relations, aspects  of social insecurity, dominant political and historical narratives,  ways of silencing and exclusion are of particular interest to us. As an  outcome, we seek to investigate interdisciplinary approaches to the  field in question and ask if they can contribute to more comprehensive  and ethical ways in understanding the long lasting effects and the  complexity of coming to terms with conflict-wracked pasts.


Contact: PD Dr. Ralph Buchenhorst


Download announcement

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International Workshop: "Conflict Resolution, Remembrance, and Justice: Towards an International Center for Reconciliation at the University of Halle"

16.07.2014,  Opening Lecture, Research Cluster „Society and Culture in Motion“, Reichardtstraße 6, 06114 Halle (Saale)

17.07.–18.07.2014, Sections 1-4, IZEA, Franckeplatz 1, Haus 54, 06110 Halle (Saale)

organised by:

PD Dr. Ralph Buchenhorst, Senior Research Fellow,  Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg, Research Cluster/Graduate  School „Society and Culture in Motion“

Prof.  Dr. Martin Leiner,  Professor für Theologie und Ethik,  Leiter des Versöhnungszentrums an der Universität Jena

Dr. James Thompson, Senior Research Fellow, Martin-Luther-Universität  Halle/Wittenberg, Research Cluster/Graduate School „Society and Culture  in Motion“

Download announcement:

Conference program: see link below.

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Workshop with Kathy Davis (Amsterdam)

"Doing global/multi-sited ethnography"

Workshop with Kathy Davis (VU University, Amsterdam)

June 24, 2014, 9-12 am

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Conference: "Freedom as Juridical Concept"

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014 - Friday, June 20th, 2014, 9am – 6.15pm, Löwengebäude, Universitätsplatz 11, Historischer Hörsaal XIVc

organised by:

Prof. Dr. Matthias Kaufmann, Seminar für Philosophie der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, and

Prof. Dr. Joachim Renzikowski, Professur für Strafrecht und Rechtsphilosophie der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

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Is this coloniality? Confronting postmodern theory with Latin-American empiricism

Workshop, 12.-13. Dezember 2013

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Forschungsschwerpunkt  „Gesellschaft und Kultur in Bewegung“, Reichardtstr. 6, 06114 Halle  (Saale), Germany

Organisers: Stefan Knauß M.A., PD Dr. Ralph Buchenhorst

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Rethinking Politics of Private Higher Education in the Middle East and Central Asia: Ethnographic and Social Sciences Perspectives

Workshop, 15 November 2013
Research Cluster "Society and Culture in Motion", Reichardtstraße 6, 06114 Halle (Saale)
Organizer: Daniele Cantini

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Bewilderment as an Opportunity for Learning

International Conference at the Martin-Luther University  Halle-Wittenberg, Research Cluster and Graduate School “Society and  Culture in Motion”

July 6, 2013 (new date for the conference which has been postponed because of the critical flood situation in Halle)

Organizers: PD Dr. Ralph Buchenhorst, Dr. Daniele Cantini, Dr. James Thompson

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Tagung "Befremdung als Methode? Experimente und Einsichten der Performativen Philosophie“ am 24.05.2013 im Nietzsche Dokumentationszentrum in Naumburg

Performative Philosophie erweitert u.a. die Textinterpretation, Textrezeption und philosophische Verständigung dadurch, dass sie etwas Fremdes mit der Philosophie konfrontiert. Befremdlich ist es, wenn solche Experimente an der Schnittstelle von Kunst und Philosophie den Anspruch erheben, in die Disziplin hineinzuwirken und sie sogar behaupten, damit den Kern des Philosophierens zu treffen. Die Tagung soll der Frage nachgehen, inwiefern die Konfrontation und das Spiel mit dem Fremden, Einsichten und Lernprozesse unterstützt oder verhindert. Im Wechsel von beispielhaften Kurzperformances, theoretischen Beiträgen und Diskussionen will die Tagung Folgendem nachgehen: 1.) dem Befremden, das in der Performativen Philosophie zur Methode wird, 2.) dem befremdlichen Gedanken, damit die philosophische Praxis erweitern zu können. Hierzu werden Praxisbeispiele vorgestellt und reflektiert sowie erkenntnistheoretische Zugänge eröffnet.

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19–20 January 2012: Missionary Activities: Challenging Cultural and Religious Paradigms at Home and Abroad

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22.11.2011 Curriculum Vitae Workshop

organized by Dr. Ralph Buchenhorst and Dr. James Thompson

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06.07.2011 Questions concerning methodology in structuring research topics and composing scholarly texts

The Graduate School "Society and Culture in Motion" invites to a workshop on questions on methodology in structuring research topics and composing scholarly texts. The event wants to give an insight into the scriptorium of scholarly writers and how they develop their argument based on collected material and innovative research questions. We will discuss published articles presented by their authors.

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11th May 2011 Theory Workshop for PhD Students

Participants including associated students register with the post-doctoral fellows in advance. Participants are encouraged to present their theoretical approach within 30 minutes each.

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2nd & 3rd July 2010: Sustainability, Nature Conservation and Community Development

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07. & 08.05.2010: Methods of Qualitative Textual Analysis

 organized by Daniel Kremers and Serena Tolino

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03. & 04.02.2010: Discourse and Dispositif Analysis

with Prof. Dr. Andrea D. Bührmann (University of Münster)

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03. & 04.07.2009: Behind the Rule - Law and Identity

organised by Ahmed Abd-Elsalam and Francesca Petricca

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06.07.2009: ANT im Kontext: Vom Export, Re-import zum Austausch von Gesellschaftskonzepten und Kulturbegriffen

organised by Sung-Joon Park, Lennart Lehmhaus, and Matias Dewey

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07.07.2008: Landscapes of Violence: Memory and Sacred Space

organised by Dr. Katharina Schram

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27. & 28.05.2008: Transmission and Authority of prophetic traditions in the Islamic world during the first three centuries

Workshop, Sektion Text und Kontext

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10. & 11.01.2008: The Claim of Truth in Religious Contexts

organised by Dr. Johannes Thon (Sektion 4)

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28. & 29.11.2007: Academic Writing in English

Workshop on successful and optimistic writing and self management

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19.10.2007: The Orientalist Gaze on/by Japan: Bygone Woe or Ongoing Affliction?

organized by Dr. Susanne Klien

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12.07.2007: Race, ethnicity, genetics: Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging

organised by Dr. Katharina Schramm

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08. & 09.06.2007: Religious Texts in Islam: Authority, Reception and Use

organised by Dr. Asma Hilali and Prof. Dr. Stefan Leder

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26.01.2007: Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention

organised by Dr. Susanne Klien and Patrick Neveling

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22.11.2006: Philosophia - Falsafa: Philosophische Texte im Wandel

organised by Elvira Wakelnig

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